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Selected Publications

Wong, Y. J., Pandelios, A. L., Cho, N., Brase, B. E., & Schaefer, S. C. (in press). A multitude of activities: Evaluating a gratitude intervention in a naturalistic setting. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. 


Pandelios, A. L., Wong, Y. J., Cho, N., Henson, P. I. (in press). Does the good outweigh the bad? The Influence of receiving gratitude at work on employee outcomes. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology.​


Pandelios, A. L., & Wong, Y. J. (2024). Gratitude in context: Proposing the Dyadic Process Model of Interpersonal Gratitude. Personality and Social Psychology Compass, 18(12), e70024.


​​Wong, Y. J., Pandelios, A. L., Carlock, K., & Thielmeyer, A. M. B. (2024). Stronger together: Perspectives on gratitude social processes in group interventions for adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. https://doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1476511


Wong, Y. J., Cho, N., & Pandelios, A. L. (2024). Feeling good versus doing good: Reclaiming a moral vision for the psychology of gratitude. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 9, 1273-1291.


Li, P. F. J., Wong, Y. J., Deng, K., & Li, Y. (2024). Gratitude in a culturally adapted psychotherapy group and in Chinese culture: Interpretative phenomenological analysis. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 118–133.


Wong, Y. J. (2023). The Catalyst Model of Change: Gratitude interventions with positive, long-term effects. Affective Science, 4(1), 152-162.


Gabana, N. T., Wong, Y. J., D’Addario, A., & Chow, G. (2022). The Athlete Gratitude Group (TAGG): Effects of coach participation in a positive psychology intervention with youth athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 34(2), 229-250.


Shin, M., Wong, Y. J., Yancura, L., & Hsu, K. (2020). Thanks, Mom and Dad! An experimental study of gratitude letter writing for Asian and White American emerging adults. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 33, 267-268. doi:


Gabana, N. T., Steinfeldt, J. A., Wong, Y. J., Chung, Y. B., & Svetina, D.  (2019). Attitude of gratitude: Exploring the implementation of a gratitude intervention with college athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31, 273-284. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2018.1498956


Wong, Y. J., Owen, J., Gabana, N., Brown, J. McInnis, S., Toth, P., & Gilman, L. (2018). Does gratitude writing improve the mental health of psychotherapy clients? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy Research, 28, 192-202.  doi: 10.1080/10503307.2016.116933


Wong, Y. J., McKean Blackwell, N., Goodrich Mitts, N., Gabana, N., & Li, Y. (2017). Giving thanks together: A preliminary evaluation of the Gratitude Group Program. Practice Innovations, 2, 243-257. doi:


Wong, Y. J., Gabana, N. T., Zounlome, N., Goodrich, N., & Lucas, M. (2017).  Cognitive correlates of gratitude among prison inmates. Personality & Individual Differences, 107, 208-211. 10.1016/j.paid.2016.11.043


Indiana University Bloomington

School of Education

Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology 

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